Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere
Sweyne Park is part of the Rayleigh Schools Trust, a multi‐academy trust (MAT), supporting Glebe Primary School. The MAT was formed in October 2017. Sweyne Park is the sponsor (lead) school. Katharine Dines, is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), as well as the Headteacher of Sweyne Park. The MAT Board of Trustees, oversees the overall strategic direction of the MAT. A group of five Members sit above the Trustees. They meet once a year to oversee the normal administration of the MAT, and are “eyes on, hands off”.
The various duties and responsibilities of each group within the administrative structure are set out in the Scheme of Delegation. This is the key document in understanding how the MAT works. The Board of Trustees meet 6 times a year. In addition, there is a half‐termly Audit and Finance Committee and a Teaching, Learning & Standards Committee. The latter includes the Head of Glebe, Sweyne Park School and Ceri Jones (Head of Chipping Hill Primary, and the main provider of primary outreach support for day‐to‐day Teaching & Learning issues).
Jo Wincott – Chair of Trustees (Retired Headteacher)
Keith Hudson – Retired Local Businessman
Mike Davies – Curator of Rayleigh Museum
Katharine Dines – (CEO) Headteacher – Sweyne Park
Jo Wincott – Chair of Trustees (Retired Headteacher)
Craig Bliss – Director of Kinect Services
Sarah Brettle – Director of Ford Motor Co
Fiona Brierley – Retired Headteacher
Joy Jacob – Retired Teacher of the Deaf
Ceri Jones – CEO Connected Learning MAT
June Morgan – Retired Assistant Headteacher
Nicole Ramsay – Education Finance Consultancy Manager
Key Staff
Simon Smith – (CFO) Company Secretary
Martyn Clarke – Headteacher – Glebe Primary
Steve Munford – (Chair) Governing Body – Glebe Primary
Lynda Walker – (Chair) Governing Body – Sweyne Park
This committee is the “engine room” of the MAT. Both schools have retained Local Governing Bodies (LGBs) as these provide local accountability and representation to each school, as well as extra capacity, longer term. The LGBs of each school will normally meet 2 weeks in advance of the Trustees’ meetings to enable any relevant issues to be raised in and referred to the Trustees as appropriate. The MAT is the employer for both schools, although each school administers its own staff locally. The MAT oversees Finance in both schools, and the Premises Team from Sweyne Park supports both schools. Key to our vision is the concept of aspiration for all.
The culture of our schools is one built on the ethos of respect for all, the environment and ourselves. At the centre of everything we do is the idea of ensuring high quality teaching and learning, ensuring excellent progress and achievement for all, and always adopting an ethical approach. We have the belief that “every child matters” and have a strong focus on the community. Trustees ensure these key values are reflected through targets across the Trust, and progress is assessed at each meeting of the Board of Trustees